Hellenic Bank Digitized 95% of Transactions in 2023

Hellenic Bank Digitized 95% of Transactions in 2023

Sustainability Report Highlights Progress in ESG Strategy

Hellenic Bank successfully digitized 95% of its transactions in 2023, as detailed in its Sustainability Report, which is based on the revised ESG Strategy now integrated into the bank's Strategic Plan, incorporating specific goals across all operational levels.

"The values of corporate responsibility, sustainable, and green development are the compass for the overall operation of Hellenic Bank," the bank stated in an announcement, noting that this commitment is evident in the report.

The bank adopted a strategic approach to sustainability and ESG issues. In November 2023, the Board of Directors approved the revised ESG Strategy, which is based on four pillars: 1) Net Zero Carbon, 2) Workforce of the Future, 3) Resilience and Performance, 4) Sustainable Ecosystem.

As part of the first pillar to achieve Net Zero Carbon, the bank consumed 51,544 kWh from renewable energy sources in 2023, reduced annual energy consumption by 9%, and installed new photovoltaic systems in two buildings.

Regarding the workforce, 2,540 hours of training on ESG and climate & environmental risks were conducted for staff, along with over 1,270 hours on personal development topics. The bank also issued a Human Rights statement.

Under the Resilience and Performance pillar, the bank received an ESG rating, and the shift to digitization continued, with 95% of total transactions processed digitally.

Finally, under the Sustainable Ecosystem pillar, new green loans amounted to €219 million in 2023, while the total contribution to environmental and social actions exceeded €530,000. The bank received the "Gold Protector of the Environment" award for 2023 at the Cyprus Environmental Awards for Organizations, affirming its commitment to environmental protection. Additionally, the strategic partnership with the Karaiskakio Foundation was renewed in 2023.

In 2023, Hellenic Bank established a Sustainable Bond Issuance Framework, demonstrating its commitment to providing green, social, and sustainable financing. The funding from these bond issuances will be used for sustainable financing, positively impacting the environment and society. The framework was developed in accordance with the International Capital Market Association (ICMA) Green Bond Principles, Social Bond Principles, and Sustainability-Bond Guidelines (SBG).
