Lawmakers Criticize Banks for Lack of Social Responsibility in ATM Installation in Communities

Lawmakers Criticize Banks for Lack of Social Responsibility in ATM Installation in Communities

Parliament Committee Expresses Disappointment Over Banks' Response to ATM Expansion

Members of Cyprus' Parliamentary Committee on Commerce expressed disappointment over bank representatives' responses regarding the issue of installing more ATMs in communities.

DISY MP and Committee President Kyriakos Hatzigiannis stated after the meeting, "Unfortunately, the banks' response indicates they have no interest in this matter." Instead, he noted, they are oriented towards implementing new technologies like cash back, which he described as "half-finished, unknown to the market, consumers, and shop owners." Hatzigiannis remarked on the apparent lack of social responsibility from the banks. "We are deeply disappointed by their negative response. It’s essential for them to serve all elderly citizens. It's their human right to access their money within a reasonable distance," he added, calling the situation "a shame" and lamenting that banks seem to only profit from citizens without giving anything back through their daily operations.

AKEL MP Kostas Kostas said, "It's with great disappointment that we heard the bank and Central Bank representatives essentially tell us there is no problem," noting that they tried to present alternative methods which the elderly cannot use. "It's as if they live in a parallel universe, in their own cloud, out of touch with reality, not wanting to know what happens in the countryside and villages where pensioners struggle," he said, especially after the "scandalous closure of the Cooperative Bank."

He pointed out that the Limassol province has only one bank branch. "Today, they told us that installing ATMs would be a problem due to high maintenance costs. Where do the hundreds of millions they earn each year go? Can't they invest a small part of that back into the community?" he questioned. "What we heard today is unacceptable, offensive, and provocative. The banks must understand that they cannot behave in this manner," he stated.

Greens MP Stavros Papadouris said there are people who cannot transition to digitalization and need a transitional period of support. He noted the banks suggested the cashback solution, which requires more information from the banks. He proposed installing ATMs outside police stations, which are present every 4-5 communities, addressing both security and community coverage. He mentioned that banks seem unwilling to change, but they were given a week to consider accepting a solution.
