November's Harmonized Inflation Rate Settles at 2.4%

November's Harmonized Inflation Rate Settles at 2.4%

Varied Dynamics of Inflation Across Different Sectors

In November, the annual rate of the Harmonized Consumer Price Index was set at 2.4%, marking a slowdown compared to the previous month, where it was 3.6%.

According to the data published for the same month of the previous year, harmonized inflation decreased to 1.5%, while for the period from January to November 2023, there was an increase of 4.1% compared to the corresponding period last year.

Compared to November 2022, the greatest change in the categories of goods and services was observed in restaurants and hotels, with an increase of 7.1%, while housing, water supply, electricity, and gas showed an increase of 2.5%. Conversely, annual decreases were recorded in transportation by 2.6% and in communications by 1.5%.

Compared to October 2023, transportation recorded the largest change with a decrease of 4.5%, followed by housing, water supply, electricity, and gas with a decrease of 1.9%.

According to the Statistical Service, for the period January to November 2023 compared to the corresponding period last year, the largest changes were observed in the categories of Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages with an increase of 8.4%, and in Restaurants and Hotels with 6.5%.
