Book Bazaar in Nicosia: Help Stray Animals Thrive

Book Bazaar in Nicosia: Help Stray Animals Thrive

Buy a Book, Save a Life.

The volunteer animal welfare association P.A.W.S. (Protecting Animals Without Shelter), in collaboration with "Yfantourgeio," is organizing a Book Bazaar on Saturday, September 14, and Sunday, September 15, from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

New and used books will be sold for 1-5 euros, and all proceeds will go towards supporting the association's medical and other expenses for the stray animals under the care of P.A.W.S.

If you have books to donate, you can contact 99769011.

Let's share the memories and knowledge of books over a coffee at "Yfantourgeio The Workplace."
