Urban Amnesty: Violation Costs Valid for 6 Months

Urban Amnesty: Violation Costs Valid for 6 Months

Pergolas, Distance From Neighbor, Storage Space, Coverage Percentage, and Engine Rooms.

The Urban Amnesty Plan for the legalization of unauthorized constructions in approved developments will be presented before the Council of Ministers today, September 13. This plan, prepared by the Ministry of Interior, aims to allow citizens to legalize unauthorized constructions in approved developments, focusing on minor regulatory deviations that do not significantly impact the overall development, the type of development, or the comfort of neighboring residents.

The proposed plan will apply only to unauthorized constructions in buildings that obtained urban planning permits or building permits before the date of the Council of Ministers' Decision. The goal is to secure Approval Certificates and issue Property Titles.

According to available information, the plan will be valid for six months after the Proposal is approved by the Council of Ministers. This time frame will allow citizens to take immediate action and submit applications before it expires, while also limiting the potential for additional unauthorized constructions.

The Ministry of Interior had previously indicated its intention to proceed with the Urban Amnesty Plan, aiming to resolve the long-standing issue of the inability to issue property titles for properties with minor violations or deviations.

Based on the proposed changes, pergolas installed beyond the allowable limit or balconies converted into rooms through additions or modifications will be legalized.

Cost of Each Violation

The Ministry has created a price list based on the type of violation rather than the square meterage, as is currently the case. According to available information, the Ministry of Interior's proposal includes specific prices for each violation, though these may change during the presentation of the plan to the Council of Ministers.

Specifically, for pergolas up to 20 square meters, the violation cost is expected to be €2,000 in areas with a local plan and €1,000 in areas with a policy statement. For pergolas exceeding 20 square meters, the prices are expected to increase to €3,000 and €1,500, respectively.

Urban amnesty will also apply to auxiliary buildings, with prices expected to range from €2,000 to €3,000 in areas with a local plan, and from €1,000 to €1,500 in areas with a policy statement.

For reduced distances from the boundary, which is set at 3 meters, prices will vary from €500 to €2,000 depending on the distance.

There will also be a price list for increasing the coverage percentage, with prices ranging from €500 to €2,000.

Lastly, regarding reduced distance of an engine room from a neighbor, prices will range from €500 to €1,000 in areas with a local plan, and from €300 to €500 in areas with a policy statement.

The six-month urban amnesty will also allow for the purchase of building coefficient violations. Specifically, in the case of residential developments that have obtained a planning or building permit but where expansions have been made without securing the necessary planning approval, resulting in an excess of the maximum allowable building coefficient of the current zone, the Urban Planning Authority may approve an increase of the building coefficient by 20%, or by 60 square meters, whichever is greater.
