John Christodoulou Receives Prestigious Award

John Christodoulou Receives Prestigious Award

He was awarded the 'Contribution to Society' award, at the Cyprus Diaspora Forum

On Saturday, in the presence of a significant gathering of Cypriots from all over the world who travelled to Cyprus, especially for the Cyprus Diaspora Forum, and ministers, diplomats, business figures and many more, the Yianis Christodoulou Foundation and its founder John Christodoulou were awarded the prestigious ‘Contribution to Society’ Award.

This accolade recognizes the Foundation’s commitment and contribution to improving the educational environment of students, supporting the vulnerable in Cyprus, and more. Founded by John Christodoulou, a visionary philanthropist with Cypriot roots, the Foundation aims to create a more engaging, inclusive, and stimulating educational environment. It provides state-of-the-art facilities, ensuring that children have access to the quality education that they are entitled to.

The Cyprus Diaspora Forum has been a pivotal event, highlighting various topics of interest to both residents and the diaspora, focusing on the economy, arts, culture, entrepreneurship, and philanthropy. The award was presented during the closing Gala Dinner and Award Ceremony, marking the Foundation’s impact not only in Cyprus but also in the global Cypriot Community.

On behalf of Mr. Christodoulou, the award was received by Mr. Stavros Stavrou – President of the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce Industry and his longtime friend for over 15 years, and Mrs Angela Panayiotou, Representative of the Foundation in Cyprus.

As Mrs Panayiotou mentioned “The Foundation is dedicated to making education attractive to children – not only to educate them, but to inspire them. Most importantly, however, through actions, we teach children to care – care for their country, care for society, to ‘give back’. The Foundation is determined to continue its work, dynamically.” She also thanked John Christodoulou “…for making thousands of children, smile.”

Mr. Stavrou characteristically mentioned “On behalf of Cyprus, I thank John Christodoulou for what he is offering to Cyprus. He is a tough businessman, with a soft heart. Yiannis is an example of the Cyprus Diaspora who left at a young age and lived in places where people could not even pronounce his name. But, he never forgot Cyprus. We need to realize that one of the most valuable assets of our country, is its children of the Diaspora”.

The Yiannis Christodoulou Foundation has until today completed over 70 projects in Cyprus and abroad and is determined to continue its impactful work in the field of education and investment in youth, with unparalleled intensity.

For more information about the Yianis Christodoulou Foundation and its initiatives, visit
