Over 200 Women Attend Cyprus Women’s Bicommunal Coalition Gathering at Ledra Palace

Over 200 Women Attend Cyprus Women’s Bicommunal Coalition Gathering at Ledra Palace

Discussion Focuses on Women's Role in Cyprus Peace Process

More than 200 women attended a meeting organized by the Cyprus Women’s Bicommunal Coalition at Ledra Palace on Monday to exchange views and submit proposals, according to an announcement.

The main goals of the Coalition are to urgently resolve the Cyprus issue based on the agreed UN framework and existing work, to ensure full, equal, and meaningful participation of women in the negotiation process at all levels, to incorporate gender perspectives in the negotiations, and to strengthen the role of women in peacebuilding by promoting a culture of peace and reconciliation.

According to the announcement, the Coalition urged all participants and all women in Cyprus to join forces, collaborate, and form strong alliances to be more effective and have a stronger voice and influence in achieving these goals.
