Political Parties Voice Concerns and Proposals Amid 'Cyprus Confidential' Revelations

Political Parties Voice Concerns and Proposals Amid 'Cyprus Confidential' Revelations

In Response to the Journalistic Investigation

DISY's Statement on Cyprus Confidential Investigation: "No One Above the Law"

DISY (Democratic Rally) has strongly emphasized that no individual or organization should be considered above the law. This statement was released in response to the journalistic investigation known as "Cyprus Confidential." DISY insists that all potential violations of sanctions, regardless of the service provider involved, must be thoroughly investigated and, if necessary, brought to justice.

The party acknowledges that Cyprus had a lenient framework in the past for attracting and registering foreign companies, including providing legal, accounting, and banking services. However, this model has undergone significant changes in recent years. DISY highlighted that tens of thousands of Russian accounts have been closed, Russian deposits have drastically reduced, all shell companies have been shut down, and companies now transparently reveal their real beneficiaries to the Registrar of Companies.

Furthermore, DISY suggested a coordinated international campaign to promote Cyprus's new, stricter regulatory framework. This campaign should involve various stakeholders, including the government, the Central Bank, and Invest Cyprus. They also propose the establishment of a unified supervisory authority to ensure strict compliance with sanctions.

>>In a Nutshell: Cyprus Confidential - A Financial Hub's Role in Aiding Russian Oligarchs<<

AKEL's Marina Savva Criticizes Cyprus' International Image Amidst Recent Revelations

Marina Savva, a member of AKEL's Central Committee, expressed concern over Cyprus's tarnished international reputation due to recurring allegations of dubious legality. She pointed to the recent "Cyprus Confidentials" revelations and past incidents yet to be investigated, which continue to harm Cyprus’s image, economy, and prospects.

Savva specifically mentioned the alleged involvement of the former president, Nicos Anastasiades, and his administration in institutional entanglements and corruption. She emphasized the need for substantive investigations and processes to clear Cyprus's name. AKEL expects the Christodoulides government to conduct these investigations transparently and ensure accountability where due. The party insists that genuine political will to combat corruption will be judged by actions, not mere statements.

DIPA Comments on Cyprus' Challenges in Investment Program and Russian Economic Ties

DIPA responded to the findings of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) regarding Cyprus’s problematic handling of its investment program and economic ties with Russian nationals. The party acknowledged that these issues were already known and that they require thorough and ongoing evaluation for improvement.

The party praised the steps taken in recent years to combat corruption and manage conflicts of interest, enhancing Cyprus’s credibility. Notable measures include the Central Bank of Cyprus's redefinition of "shell" and virtual companies to strengthen the European Directive against Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing.

Moreover, the party commended the current government for significantly enhancing political, diplomatic, and economic mechanisms that reflect credibility and justice. These include stricter criteria and enhanced control processes in the rapid immigration permit program based on investment and compliance with international sanctions against Russian nationals.

DIPA also appreciated the establishment of the Independent Authority against Corruption and the Advisory Council, as well as the adoption of recommendations from the GRECO Committee, all contributing to greater transparency and credibility.

>>Cyprus Confidential: Tal Dilian, the Island and the Spyware<<

Greens Call for Immediate Action Following Cyprus Confidential Revelations

The Ecologists Movement – Citizen Cooperation responded to the global headlines linking Cyprus with Russian oligarchs and presenting the island as an oligarch's paradise, facilitated by the government and Cyprus-based companies. The Movement sees these revelations as confirmation of their longstanding demands for investigations into Russian oligarchs, including issues around "golden passports," the Czech authorities’ requests for information, and revelations from the Pandora papers.

The Movement maintains its stance for transparency and legal procedures. They call for a re-examination of the naturalizations of Russian oligarchs and the revocation of citizenship where justified. They demand immediate action to withdraw citizenships granted illegally, initiate criminal prosecutions of responsible parties, and abolish the law allowing the Council of Ministers to grant European citizenship for investments.

The Movement also urges the termination of the "golden visa" program, which allows rapid immigration permits for third-country nationals investing in Cyprus. They insist on utilizing the findings of the special committee on naturalizations of foreign investors and entrepreneurs for further investigations by the Independent Authority against Corruption.

Concluding, the Ecologists Movement stressed that Cyprus must change its image in Europe, a task that will require significant effort and time.

DIKO and EDEK have not issued a press release. 

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