Expert Team to Aid Cyprus in Investigating 'Cyprus Confidential' Revelations

Expert Team to Aid Cyprus in Investigating 'Cyprus Confidential' Revelations

A Specialized Team Responds to President Christodoulides' Request for Assistance in Probing Sanctions Violations

A team of international experts has agreed to assist Cyprus following a request from President Nikos Christodoulides. This development comes in the wake of revelations by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) about Cyprus's alleged involvement in breaching sanctions against Russia. The investigative report, titled "Cyprus Confidential," has sparked significant attention.

President Christodoulides, while speaking at the Mediterranean Symposium of the BPW, disclosed that he had personally sought the assistance of a specialized team from abroad, known for their expertise in such matters, immediately after the publication of the ICIJ report.

"We received a positive response last night. A team is now en route to Cyprus, specifically to bolster the efforts of our local authorities who have already begun their investigations. This aligns with our uncompromising stance against such misconduct," he stated. The President emphasized that every aspect highlighted in the ICIJ reports would undergo a comprehensive examination.

He underscored the importance of maintaining the nation's reputation and credibility, considering them vital for attracting investments and fostering a robust, resilient economy. Such a foundation, he reiterated, is crucial for the government to effectively implement social policies and advance initiatives in education and health sectors.

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