Empowering Girls in STEM: Highlights from the EGI-STEM Project Conference

Empowering Girls in STEM: Highlights from the EGI-STEM Project Conference

"Fostering Female Participation in STEM Fields at the Forefront of an International Conference in Nitra, Slovakia

The issue of enhancing girls' participation in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) programs was a central topic at the "EGI-STEM (Empowering girls in STEM) Project Conference", held from February 27 to 29 in Nitra, Slovakia.

According to a statement from the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth, the conference marked the culmination of the EGI-STEM program, coordinated by the Ministry and involving both Cyprus and Slovakia.

The conference aimed to present both the educational materials and the activities developed within the framework of the EGI-STEM European program. It also focused on the general training of educators in STEM subjects, with a particular emphasis on increasing girls' participation in these programs.

The conference began with a speech by the program's coordinator, highlighting the necessity of empowering STEM programs in the 21st century. This was followed by a lecture from a University of Vienna professor, who discussed stereotypes and the need for information to strengthen female role models in this field.

Subsequently, a Ministry of Education official presented on the theoretical background of STEM, research conducted in the field, developed lesson plans, and more.

The event also featured demonstrative teaching sessions created within the program, during which participants had the opportunity to exchange views on the subject.

Additionally, all attendees had the chance to observe students engaging in a STEM-focused treasure hunt through MathCityMap. At the conference's conclusion, a satisfaction survey was conducted among participants, followed by a broader discussion on STEM programs.
