How To Negotiate Your Salary After Receiving A Job Offer

How To Negotiate Your Salary After Receiving A Job Offer

It’s no surprise that many people feel uncomfortable asking for more money as soon as their job search is over and they have a finalised job offer in front of them. If the salary is reasonable, they don’t want to jeopardise the opportunity they’ve been given, after coming this far.

However, as the 2023 Salary Guide by Robert Half points out, hiring has reached or exceeded pre-pandemic levels in many markets. Additionally, there’s a shortage of skilled professionals, which increases competition for top talent and drives up salaries. Most hiring managers will give you the opportunity to cinder the offer a bit and won’t expect an immediate answer. 

1. Familiarise Yourself With Industry Salary Trends

You should be participating in salary negotiations by being as informed as possible. Knowledge is your strongest ally. To gain a current, realistic view of the compensation landscape in your field, consult a salary guide specific to your industry. You’ll find the movement rate for your position and experience level, and you can adjust national data for geographical location.

2. Prepare A Plan

Even if your research supports it, you’ll be more successful if you explain why you believe you deserve more compensation. Highlight your strengths, detailing all the additional benefits the company would gain from someone of your background and experience. 

Before negotiating your salary, note specific examples of how your skills and experience would benefit the objectives of the new company. Holding certifications or specialised technical skills, for example, can enhance your ability to do the job, so be sure to mention them accordingly. By connecting your strengths to the role you’ll be taking on, you’ll also be explaining why you should be paid more than the initial offer.

3. Tell The Truth

Absolute honesty is paramount when negotiating your salary. There’s no better way to see your offer withdrawn than for a hiring manager to discover that you made up a competitive job offer or inflated your salaries from previous positions.

4. Consider Perks And Benefits

Salary negotiations often include some gifts for employee perks and benefits. It may be less expensive for an employer to concede additional vacation days, flexible hours or, especially today, raise wages. 

Think about what’s valuable to you and what would make an offer more attractive. If you’re considering multiple offers, remember to directly compare health insurance coverage, retirement savings programs, and other benefits to make an informed decision. Also, consider perks such as opportunities for professional development with the potential employer. 

5. Practise Your Negotiation Skills

This may sound excessive to some people, but it's a good idea to have a friend or mentor practice the negotiation with you that you're likely to have with the hiring manager. The ideal partner is someone from the corporate world who can guide you in projecting confidence and answering unexpected questions. Going through the negotiation process several times can make you feel more confident in the salary discussions. 

6. Learn When To Stop

A reasonable employer will not withdraw an offer just because you tried to negotiate. But, delaying salary negotiations can disappoint the hiring manager and start your relationship on a sour note. 

If the company can't meet your demands after several discussions, withdraw respectfully and focus on opportunities that better meet your compensation expectations. 

7. Get Everything In Writing

Once you and the hiring manager have agreed on a compensation package, as for written documentation and confirmation. In addition to the salary amount, it should include any special arrangements, such as bonuses or relocation allowances, and a job description, as well as a list of responsibilities for your new position. Make sure the document is signed by both you and the employer. Some companies may provide this automatically as part of an employment contract, but if not, ask for some form of informal documentation. 

8. Stay Positive

Remember, most managers do not enjoy negotiations. Your future employer is not your adversary. Maintaining a positive tone during salary and benefits negotiations will help you navigate these discussions more effectively. 

If you want to receive a better initial salary offer, you have to ask for it. Job seekers often accept the first offer on the table. But whether the economy is strong or uncertain, employers are willing to bring on team members with specialised skills and expertise that can help them out more. Work, discretion and confidence, are the keys to your success in salary negotiations.
