RIF Announces €14.5M Funding Opportunities

RIF Announces €14.5M Funding Opportunities

New Calls for "Islands of Excellence" and "POST DOC" Programs Support Scientific Excellence

Supporting the research community in Cyprus, the Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) is announcing two new calls today, totaling €14.5 million, under the "Islands of Excellence" and "POST DOC" programs.

The programs are designed to bolster scientific excellence by fostering the creation of new knowledge and giving young researchers the opportunity to lead research projects. Eligible entities include research organizations, businesses, and other entities from both the private and public sectors.

Islands of Excellence Program

Specifically, the first call falls under the "Islands of Excellence" program, with a total budget of €12 million, and covers the following scientific areas: Life Sciences (€5 million), Natural Sciences and Engineering (€5 million), Social and Humanities Sciences (€2 million).

The maximum funding per project is €200,000 for "Life Sciences" and "Natural Sciences and Engineering," while for "Social and Humanities Sciences," it is €120,000. To encourage collaboration between publicly and privately funded organizations, the maximum funding per project increases by 25% in case of such collaboration.

The primary objective of the program is to promote scientific excellence by funding pioneering research projects in cutting-edge fields. These projects can contribute to both the economic and sustainable development of the country and address contemporary challenges.

Interested parties can find more information at the following link: Islands of Excellence. Proposals must be submitted through the IRIS portal, with the submission deadline on July 5, 2024.

POST DOC Program

The second call is part of the "POST DOC" program, with a budget of €2.5 million. This program will fund projects in the following scientific areas: Life Sciences (€1 million), Natural Sciences and Engineering (€1 million), and Social and Humanities Sciences (€500,000). The maximum funding per project is €150,000 for the first two scientific areas and €120,000 for the third.

The program aims to support postdoctoral researchers in research organizations and businesses by funding highly specialized projects and developing new scientific activities. This call helps increase the number of researchers undertaking innovative projects in crucial areas while ensuring sustainable funding.

Interested parties can find more information at the following link: POST DOC. Proposals must be submitted through the IRIS portal, with the submission deadline on July 5, 2024.

Additional Funding Programs

Additionally, in the coming days, the Foundation will announce the "VISION ERC," "ERC Visiting Research Fellowship," and "Horizon Europe – 2nd Chance – ERC" programs, with a total budget of €1.8 million. These programs aim to enhance the participation and success rates of both new and experienced researchers in the flagship ERC program, which funds cutting-edge research.

Notably, organizations selected for funding will automatically have access to the Foundation's free innovation support services and knowledge transfer tools. These programs are co-financed by the Republic of Cyprus and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), under the Cohesion Policy Program "THALEIA" 2021-2027.
