Luxury Lifestyle on Social Media May Attract Tax Authority Scrutiny

Luxury Lifestyle on Social Media May Attract Tax Authority Scrutiny

Tax Department Monitors Social Media to Verify Wealth Claims

The advertisement of luxury parties, vacations, cars, money, and other forms of wealth on social media could bring the tax authority to your door.

According to information obtained by Brief, the Tax Department has set up a mechanism to monitor social media for displayed wealth.

This question—whether individuals promoting and advertising their wealth on social media are being monitored—has periodically concerned citizens who see acquaintances and strangers alike engaged in a race of extravagance and luxury on their feeds.

Moreover, according to the same sources, the Tax Department has already conducted checks on individuals advertising their wealth on social media to verify if this wealth aligns with the income and assets they have declared on their income tax returns.

Tax Commissioner Sotiris Markides, when asked by Brief to comment on the matter, confirmed our information.

"We have a mechanism that monitors social media, and where necessary, we proceed with checks, as we have already done," Mr. Markides stated.

When asked if tax evaders have been identified through this mechanism, Mr. Markides avoided citing specific cases due to tax confidentiality.
