Theatre ENA Presents Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’ in a New Adaptation

Theatre ENA Presents Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’ in a New Adaptation

Adaptation and Direction by Andreas Christodoulides; Premieres at Archontiko Axiotheas on September 7th

Theatre ENA presents George Orwell's masterpiece, Animal Farm, in a free adaptation and direction by Andreas Christodoulides. The premiere of the play will take place at Archontiko Axiotheas on September 7th, followed by two more performances at the same venue on September 8th and 9th at 21:00.

Starting from September 14th, performances will continue every Saturday and Sunday at 20:30 on the main stage of Theatre ENA.


In a farm, the animals, unable to endure human oppression any longer, revolt and take over the management. The most "intelligent" animals on the farm, the pigs, take the lead. Under the guidance of the bravest among them, the revolution begins in an atmosphere of excitement and optimism for a new order that promises a better future for all the oppressed. However, soon the story repeats itself, and their hopes crumble as the new leadership exhibits the same, if not worse, traits as the previous one.

How do new, even more authoritarian oppressors emerge from within the ranks of the oppressed? How does a dream turn into a nightmare? The play, more relevant than ever, is an allegory about the need and the right of every person to freedom, dignity, and life. It explores themes of equality, democracy, greed, and power, as well as friendship, cooperation, solidarity, teamwork, mutual aid, and love.

Cast and Crew
  • Adaptation/Direction/Lighting Design: Andreas Christodoulides

  • Cast (in alphabetical order): Andreas Georgiou, Marilena Ganomati, Iakovos Iakovou, Antonis Lapithiotis, Stelios Stylianou, Maria Chara Trousa

  • September 7, 8 & 9 at 21:00 at Archontiko Axiotheas

  • From September 14th onwards, every Saturday and Sunday at 20:30 at Theatre ENA

Information/Reservations: 22348203

