Cyprus Cybersecurity Indices 2023 Released

Cyprus Cybersecurity Indices 2023 Released

Key Scores for Businesses And Citizens Unveiled

The Digital Security Authority (DSA) has developed two specialized cybersecurity indices, named the Enterprises Cyprus Cybersecurity Index (Enterprises CY CS Index) and the Citizens Cyprus Cybersecurity Index (Citizens CY CS Index), targeting businesses and citizens respectively.

A statement from the Commissioner of Communications - Digital Security Authority indicates that these indices are based on the results of two surveys conducted by the DSA in 2023, focusing on the state and needs of cybersecurity.

The CY CS Indices have been developed according to the Composite Indicator methodology, allowing for a comprehensive evaluation of cybersecurity. Each index consists of three main pillars: Cybersecurity Proficiency, Cybersecurity Hygiene/Policies, and Cybersecurity Incidents.

Each pillar and index is scored from 0% to 100%, with 100% indicating full achievement of the desired goals.

These pillars include sub-sectors and indicators that make up the overall score of each index. The goal of the CY CS Indices is to monitor the progress of society and businesses in cybersecurity annually, and to identify areas requiring targeted interventions for improvement.

For the Enterprises CY CS Index for 2023, business scores in the three pillars were as follows: Cybersecurity Proficiency 68.61%, Cybersecurity Incidents 78.69%, and Cyber Hygiene/Policy 67.60%.

The overall score for the Enterprises CY CS Index was 71.6%. The statement notes that a score of 100% would indicate that businesses have reached a high level of readiness and capability to prevent and address cybersecurity threats. Furthermore, such a score would reflect a high level of awareness and implementation of best cybersecurity practices by businesses, with no significant weaknesses.

For the Citizens CY CS Index for 2023, citizen scores in the three pillars were as follows: Cybersecurity Proficiency 49.09%, Cybersecurity Incidents 57.10%, and Cyber Hygiene/Policy 49.35%.

The overall score for the Citizens CY CS Index was 51.85%. It is noted that a score of 100% would indicate that citizens possess high awareness, readiness, and capabilities to protect themselves from cyber threats. Additionally, a 100% performance would signify high knowledge and responsibility on the part of citizens, leading to a minimization of cyber threats and enhanced individual and collective online security.

It is noted that the indices will be updated annually, allowing the DSA to identify the needs of both businesses and citizens for further education and awareness on cybersecurity issues. Based on the results, educational seminars will be designed to enhance knowledge and skills, as well as awareness and sensitization campaigns tailored to identified needs.

Detailed results of the indices by pillar, sub-sector, and indicator are available in PDF format at the following link:
