Antonia Papantoniou: "The Concept of Career Has Evolved Dramatically"

Antonia Papantoniou: "The Concept of Career Has Evolved Dramatically"

Career Institute of Cyprus CEO and Executive Director Speaks About Navigating Career Changes, the Power of Storytelling, and Developing Essential Soft Skills

The Career Institute of Cyprus is a dynamic organization dedicated to empowering individuals and businesses to reach their full potential through a variety of career development services. From personalized coaching and soft skills training to recruitment and headhunting, the Institute helps people navigate today's evolving job market. FastForward interviewed its Founder and Executive Director, Antonia Papantoniou, to learn more about how the Institute is shaping professional development in Cyprus and beyond.

In our conversation, Antonia touched on the shifting concept of "career" in the digital age, emphasizing the importance of adaptability, continuous learning, and storytelling in one's professional journey. She shared insights on how the gig economy and technological disruption have transformed traditional career paths and highlighted the growing significance of soft skills, particularly curiosity and narrative intelligence, in thriving in today’s competitive environment.

How do you think the concept of "career" has changed in recent years, particularly in the face of technological disruption and changing job markets?

The concept of "career" has evolved dramatically in the last years, especially with all the shifts in the job market and technology. Traditional career paths are no longer linear, and individuals now need to be more adaptable, continuously learning new skills. The gig economy, remote work, and automation have disrupted industries, requiring professionals to reimagine their roles and embrace lifelong learning. Individuals are now defining their career paths by their skills and values rather than traditional job titles, which definitely encourages a more holistic view of professional development.

You often mention the intersection between careers and communication. How important is storytelling in career development, and how do you help people "reshape the way they view their career"?

Storytelling is essential in career development because it enables individuals to communicate their professional journey and identity in a way that resonates with others. A compelling narrative highlights not only achievements but also personal growth, challenges, and adaptability. By reframing their careers as stories, individuals can present their experiences cohesively, making it easier to connect with potential employers or clients. The key lies in understanding how each experience, skill, or lesson fits into a larger picture and demonstrates one's value in the professional world. Through my career guidance practice, this can be achieved via personalised one-on-one sessions, where we openly discuss, explore these ideas, and unravel each person's unique story.

Soft skills training is a key offering at your Institute. In your experience, what are the most important soft skills in today's professional environment, and how can people develop these skills effectively?

In today’s workplace, curiosity is an important, yet often overlooked soft skill. The ability to ask the right questions, seek new knowledge, and stay intellectually flexible allows professionals to adapt quickly to changing circumstances. Curiosity fuels innovation and helps individuals anticipate trends before they fully emerge.

Another critical skill is narrative intelligence. The ability to shape how we tell our professional story. This goes beyond communication. It's about understanding how to present our experiences in a way that resonates with others and aligns with future opportunities.

Curiosity fuels innovation and helps individuals anticipate trends before they fully emerge

Also, cognitive empathy, or understanding how others think, not just how they feel, is essential. It’s particularly valuable in diverse teams, as it helps bridge different perspectives and improves collaboration.

Developing these skills requires a mix of practice and reflection. Engage with new experiences, seek feedback and put yourself in situations that challenge your usual ways of thinking. Over time, these skills become second nature, contributing to a more adaptive and resilient professional mindset.

You offer online presence optimization services, including LinkedIn profile optimization. What common mistakes do professionals make when curating their digital presence, and how can they improve?

When it comes to curating a digital presence, many professionals often make a few common mistakes that can hinder their visibility and impact. One of the biggest pitfalls is having an incomplete or outdated profile. Your online profile should be a living document, showcasing your latest experiences, skills, and achievements. Regularly updating it not only keeps you relevant but also helps potential employers or clients see your growth.

Your online profile should be a living document, showcasing your latest experiences, skills, and achievements

I've also observed that some junior professionals are eager to build their presence on LinkedIn and may strive to position themselves as industry leaders. While it’s inspiring to see such ambition, it’s important to remember the value of aligning your content with your current level of experience. LinkedIn is a vast network filled with highly experienced professionals, and it can be a great space for learning and growth. Instead of positioning yourself as an expert, consider using this platform to ask questions, seek guidance, and connect with mentors who can provide valuable insights. Your unique perspective is valuable, and engaging with others in this way can enhance your learning journey.

A core value of the Institute is fostering resilience. How do you teach individuals to cultivate a resilient mindset, particularly in times of career uncertainty or transition?

Cultivating a resilient mindset, especially during times of career uncertainty or transition, is essential for long-term success and personal growth. At the Career Institute we emphasize that resilience isn’t just about bouncing back from challenges; it’s about developing the capacity to navigate difficult situations without hastily leaving a job at the first sign of discomfort or giving up easily.

For example, many younger professionals tend to move quickly from one company to another in response to perceived toxic behaviours or negative experiences. While it’s crucial to recognise and address genuinely toxic environments, it’s equally important to assess situations realistically. Not every challenge is a sign of toxicity; some are simply unfortunate events or moments of discomfort that can lead to growth if approached with the right mindset.

We teach individuals to regulate their emotions and thoughts during these times This awareness allows them to embrace a mindset that welcomes change and uncertainty, seeing negative incidents as opportunities for learning rather than reasons to flee.

We also encourage a proactive approach to problem-solving. By analysing situations and seeking constructive solutions, individuals can transform challenges into valuable experiences. This not only builds resilience but also fosters a deeper understanding of themselves and their work environment.

Looking ahead, what are your personal and professional goals for the next few years, both for yourself and the Institute?

Looking ahead, our vision for the Institute is still evolving, and we’re embracing that with an open mind. What we do know is that we want to continue fostering a healthier mindset and approach to careers and professional development in Cyprus. The pressure to choose a career early and the feeling of being trapped later are real challenges we’re focused on addressing.

Our goal is to reach younger students overwhelmed by the pressure to make life-altering decisions, helping them explore options with more confidence. At the same time, we’re committed to supporting adults who feel stuck, empowering them to break free from limiting beliefs and find contentment—whether through career changes or embracing their current path.

We’re excited about the rise of microlearning and flexible professional training, which provide more accessible ways for individuals to gain new skills and credentials at their own pace

We’re also excited about the rise of microlearning and flexible professional training, which provide more accessible ways for individuals to gain new skills and credentials at their own pace, helping them adapt to an ever-changing job market.

Personally, my aim is to keep growing as a professional while staying true to our mission. I want to expand our reach, connecting with individuals at all stages of their careers and providing them with the tools they need to thrive.

What: Career Institute of Cyprus

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Who: Antonia Papantoniou is an experienced Communications Consultant with a background in strategic communications and career development. Over the past five years, she has worked with diverse clients in the UK and Cyprus, crafting compelling narratives and strategic messaging. As a certified career advisor, Antonia combines her love for communications and career development to help individuals shape their careers and enhance their digital presence. She has also conducted workshops on employability and skills development for young people and vulnerable groups, including migrants and asylum seekers. Antonia’s approach focuses on the power of effective communication and creating personalised strategies to achieve professional and business goals. She is dedicated to helping clients build their best-selling narrative and design their professional paths with confidence.
