Greek Foreign Minister: Great Sea Interconnector to Proceed as Planned

Greek Foreign Minister: Great Sea Interconnector to Proceed as Planned

"Research and development for the interconnection cable remain on track"

The Greece-Cyprus electricity interconnection project (Great Sea Interconnector) will proceed as scheduled, according to Greek Foreign Minister Giorgos Gerapetritis. In an interview with Kathimerini Greece, he reaffirmed that research and development for the interconnection cable remain on track, emphasizing that it is a European-backed initiative.

“This interconnection project is crucial, particularly for Cyprus, as it eliminates the island’s energy isolation,” Gerapetritis stated. He confirmed that the initiative will continue as planned under the supervision of the company responsible for its execution.

Responding to concerns about potential opposition from Turkey, the Greek Foreign Minister expressed hope that there would be no objections and that all parties would recognize the project’s importance, allowing it to proceed without disruption.

“In the event of tensions, we will seek to de-escalate the situation. The research and installation of electricity cables are fully protected under international law. No authorization is required, and therefore, there is no legal basis for any objections under international law,” Gerapetritis clarified.
