Cypriot Scientist Receives Prestigious Recognition for Pioneering Work in AI

Cypriot Scientist Receives Prestigious Recognition for Pioneering Work in AI

Marios Polycarpou is the Recipient of the IEEE Frank Rosenblatt Award

Marios Polycarpou, a member of the Cyprus Academy of Sciences, Letters, and Arts, has been honored with the IEEE Frank Rosenblatt Technical Field Award. This award is the highest recognition for scientists conducting groundbreaking research in Artificial Intelligence.

According to an announcement from the Cyprus Academy of Sciences, Letters, and Arts, the award ceremony took place on June 2, 2024, in Japan, during the IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence.

Academic Marios Polycarpou is a founding member of the Academy and President of the Class of Natural Sciences. This new accolade adds to a multitude of other honors, including his election to the Academia Europaea, receiving the IEEE Neural Networks Pioneer Award, and being granted both the ERC Synergy Grant and ERC Advanced Grant. Additionally, the research center "KIOS," which he directs, has been elevated to a European Center of Excellence.
