Cyprus Ranks 32nd in European Sustainable Development

Cyprus Ranks 32nd in European Sustainable Development

UN SDSN Report Analysis

The UN's Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) of Cyprus has analyzed the country's performance as included in the 2023/24 European Sustainable Development Report, published on January 25, 2024. Cyprus ranked 32nd out of 34 European countries, scoring 61.0, slightly higher than its 2022 score of 60.7, where it held the same position.

"This ranking does not reflect well on our country, and as SDSN Cyprus, we are committed to continuing our efforts towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change," the Organization states.

Some of the most problematic indicators, leading to the negative assessment of 8 total Sustainable Development Goals (where significant challenges exist), include excessive use of nitrogen in agriculture, women's representation in parliament, compensatory water imports, the municipal waste recycling rate, export of plastic waste, CO2 emissions, overfishing, low levels of Overseas Development Assistance, and poor evaluation as a tax haven. On the opposite hand, there has been some progress in indicators such as Poverty, Energy, and Inequality. 

SDSN Cyprus will soon announce the organization of an event to present and comment on the findings of this specific report. This will be followed by a discussion on ways to reverse this dismal reality.

Since its establishment in 2019, SDSN Cyprus has worked with social and governmental partners to improve Cyprus' performance in implementing the SDGs. It promotes the dissemination of best practices, awareness, education for sustainable development, engagement with youth, and incorporation of the SDGs into daily activities.
