New Poll: Party Voting Intentions, Government Performance, and Political Figures’ Popularity
79% said they were "not at all" or "not very" satisfied with the government.
Significant findings have emerged from a poll conducted by Symmetron Market Research on behalf of the communications firm 2Dots Ltd, presented today by OffsiteNews. The survey was carried out nationwide between March 7–12, 2025, with a sample size of 600 individuals.
The poll addresses several key areas: the direction of the country and the economy, major societal concerns, evaluation of President Christodoulides' administration, political leader popularity, MPs' performance, and voting intentions.
A particularly striking outcome is the high level of public discontent. About 73% believe the country is heading in the wrong direction, and 69% express dissatisfaction with the current state of the economy.
When asked to identify the top three national issues, respondents placed the cost of living (including deterioration of living standards and economic hardship) and migration at the top. However, the Cyprus problem continues to be viewed as the most important overall issue.

The government's performance was rated poorly by the public. According to the findings, 79% said they were "not at all" or "not very" satisfied with the government, while 64% disapproved of President Christodoulides' leadership.
Regarding President Christodoulides' handling of the Cyprus issue, the survey was conducted prior to recent developments related to the Five-Party Meeting. Nevertheless, the poll shows a slight preference for a unitary state solution (36%) over a bizonal, bicommunal federation (35%).
The survey also explored foreign policy and Cyprus’s growing ties with the United States. About 41% of respondents expressed satisfaction with the President's foreign policy, while 61% viewed the strengthening of US-Cyprus relations positively.

Among political figures, former Auditor General Odysseas Michaelides was the only leader to receive a positive approval rating, with 58% expressing a favorable opinion and 31% an unfavorable one.
President Christodoulides maintains a negative rating, with 60% viewing him unfavorably and just 35% favorably. The popularity of DISY President Annita Demetriou has declined, with 48% expressing a positive opinion and 46% a negative one. Former DISY President Averof Neophytou was viewed positively by 34% and negatively by 58%.
The survey also evaluated MPs' performance, with Irini Charalambidou and Pavlos Mylonas standing out. Nationally, 16% said Charalambidou distinguished herself through her work and actions, followed by Mylonas at 12%.
DISY’s Efthymios Diplaros came next with 8%, followed by AKEL’s Costas Costa at 7%, DISY’s Demetris Demetriou at 6%, and independent MP Zacharias Koulias at 5%. Five additional MPs received 4%, while 14 MPs each received 3%, 11 MPs 2%, and another 14 MPs just 1%.
Charalambidou was recognized by voters across all political affiliations—except ELAM—for her performance. She ranked first among AKEL voters with 31%.
Significantly, 70% of AKEL voters believe Charalambidou should run again, despite party rules potentially preventing it. Likewise, 58% support a new candidacy for MP Costas Costa. Among DISY supporters, 57% want Diplaros to run again, while 62% of DIKO supporters back another run by Mylonas, despite his public statement that he will not seek re-election.

In terms of voting intention, DISY leads with 15.7% (21% of valid votes), followed by AKEL at 13.4% (17.9% of valid votes). ELAM places third with 8.6% (11.4% valid), and DIKO follows with 5% (6.7% valid).
The remaining parliamentary parties (Volt, DIPA, Greens, and EDEK) each garnered between 1.8% and 2.4% (2.3% to 3.3% of valid votes).
The undecided vote stands at 18%, while abstention is reported at 25.2%.