Urban Planning: Key Changes in the Examination of Applications in Cyprus

Urban Planning: Key Changes in the Examination of Applications in Cyprus

Provincial Self-Government Organizations to Manage Over 10,000 Pending Urban Planning Applications

The reform of local government, extending beyond changes in the number of Municipalities and Communities, brings, as expected, alterations in licensing and development control issues.

Specifically, from July 1, 2024, with the implementation of local government reform, five new Provincial Self-Government Organizations will operate. They will undertake the examination of all urban planning applications relevant to their regions.

The Organizations will handle not only new applications but also those pending in the provincial offices of the Town Planning and Housing Department. According to data collected by Brief, as of February 2024, there are a total of 10,485 pending urban planning applications: 2,284 in Nicosia, 3,459 in Limassol, 1,518 in Larnaca, 1,594 in Paphos, 713 in Ammochostos Province, 604 for large-scale developments, and 313 for restorations/preservations.

As a result, approximately 10,000 pending applications are expected to be transferred to the Organizations from their first day of operation.

It's important to note that applications for large-scale developments will remain with the Town Planning and Housing Department, which will manage both pending and future submissions.

Transferring 326 Staff

Due to the high volume of applications, 326 staff members will be transferred to the Provincial Self-Government Organizations. Specifically: 97 individuals to Nicosia, 90 to Limassol, 60 to Larnaca, 51 to Paphos, 28 to Famagusta.

This personnel, from the provincial offices of the Town Planning Department, will staff the Organizations for an 18-month period, until each Provincial Organization completes its recruitment for permanent staff.

These employees can apply for permanent positions in the Organizations. If they either choose not to apply or are not selected for permanent roles, they will return to the Town Planning Department.
