AI Robot for Education Created by Pascal Education

AI Robot for Education Created by Pascal Education

A Pioneering Achievement in Educational Technology

The first conversational robot powered by artificial intelligence for education, known as Ainstein Junior, was created through a collaboration between a teacher and a student at Pascal Education, according to an announcement from the educational institution.

As reported, Ainstein Junior was built to interact proficiently with students in various languages, including Greek, English, Russian, and Italian. Its creation was made possible by the power of artificial intelligence and the innovative use of 3D printing technologies.

It is noted that the project spanned five months, bringing together a dedicated team from over ten schools and allowing more than 600 students to engage with this technology. Beyond its impact on education at Pascal Education, it has inspired the creation of 12 additional robots in schools across Europe. "These robots serve as beacons of inspiration for the global educational community, vividly demonstrating the transformative impact of artificial intelligence in education," the statement emphasized.

Richard Erkhov, the student involved in the project, remarked, "It's not just about creating a robot, but about realizing a vision," adding that "what started as a small workshop task at school now connects us with students and teachers around the world."

Elpidophoros Anastasiou, the educator who played a pivotal role in guiding the students in the Ainstein project, noted, "This project was not just about teaching technical skills, but aimed at developing curiosity, collaboration, and critical thinking." He also expressed pride in the achievement and enthusiasm for the future of education with artificial intelligence.

Ainstein Junior represents a significant leap forward in the field of educational technology. This innovative conversational robot was created to redesign the way students interact with educational content and to support their learning journey.

The key features and capabilities of Ainstein Junior include multilingual communication, making it accessible to a wide range of students from various linguistic backgrounds, and adaptive learning, as it uses advanced artificial intelligence algorithms to tailor the educational experience to each student. Furthermore, Ainstein Junior offers interactive lessons and quizzes that help students easily grasp complex concepts. Simultaneously, it allows students to explore practical applications of artificial intelligence and 3D printing.
