Athienou Municipality Launches New Dual Electric Vehicle Charger

Athienou Municipality Launches New Dual Electric Vehicle Charger

Boosting Green Development, Athienou Now Offers Convenient EV Charging Facilities

The Athienou Municipality activated a new dual electric vehicle (EV) charger on Monday, 4th March. This charger is conveniently located at the entrance of the large public parking area north of the Kallinikeio Municipal Hall, with access from Andreas Loukas Street.

The Municipality of Athienou announced that "the charger is dual, capable of charging two vehicles simultaneously. Both residents of Athienou and visitors using electric vehicles can now enjoy the town's restaurants and other amenities without worrying about charging their vehicles."

It was also noted that "a demonstration of the easy use of the dual charger was given to Athienou Mayor Kyriakos Kareklas and other municipal officials by representatives of EV Power Ltd. This company is responsible for managing the charger and providing an electronic application for users to operate it."

The announcement highlighted that "the Municipality of Athienou continues to serve the public and transition towards green development with such initiatives."
