A Glimpse into TechIsland Summit 2024

A Glimpse into TechIsland Summit 2024

Uniting Leaders and Innovators to Drive Economic Competitiveness and Technological Advancement

The TechIsland Summit, an annual gathering organized by TechIsland, a non-profit tech association established in 2021, has once again brought together leading minds to drive the vision of turning Cyprus into a prominent hub for technology and innovation. This year’s summit, themed "Tech-Driven Cyprus: Cultivating a Competitive Economy," was held at the Kolla Factory in Limassol on May 30, from 10 AM to 5 PM, with FastForward as the Digital Media Partner.

Opening Remarks and Address

The event commenced with opening remarks from Antonis Polemitis, Board Member of TechIsland and CEO of the University of Nicosia. He emphasized Cyprus’s potential to leverage its status as an emerging tech hub by harnessing the expertise of skilled tech specialists on the island. Annita Demetriou, President of the House of Representatives of Cyprus, followed with an opening address, highlighting the parliament’s commitment to supporting the tech sector's growth.

Panel Discussions: Key Themes and Insights
  1. Talent Mobility: The Cyprus Paradox The first panel, moderated by Chrysanthos Tsouroullis, CEO of Dias Media Group, addressed the challenges Cyprus faces due to its non-Schengen status, which limits travel mobility for tech professionals. Panelists including Harris Georgiades, Aristos Damianou, and Valentinos Polykarpou discussed potential solutions to attract and retain international talent.

  2. The Tech Effect: Transforming Cyprus’s Economic Landscape In this session, moderated by Christophoros Anayiotos from KPMG, panelists including Alexey Gubarev, Christiana Erotokritou, Elena Grigorian, and Marios Tanousis analyzed the economic impact of the tech sector in Cyprus. They identified key challenges and proposed strategies to elevate Cyprus’s standing among EU tech hubs.

  3. The Key in AI: Shaping Cyprus as the Center of Emerging Technologies Moderated by Michael Tyrimos, Founder of Capacitor Partners, this panel explored how Cyprus could become a leading hub for AI and cutting-edge technologies. Speakers Angelo Dalli, Stavrinos Kyriakou, Theodoros Loukaidis, and Ivan Sysoev discussed strategies to maintain momentum in AI innovation.

  4. Breaking Barriers: Addressing School Shortages to Boost Cyprus's Tech Economy Tanya Romanyukha, General Manager of TechIsland, moderated a discussion on the shortage of private English school places in Cyprus. Panelists including Dr. Athena Michaelidou, Petr Valov, Alexis Andreou, and Costas Constantinides emphasized the need for educational reforms to attract international businesses and tech talent.

  5. Bridging the Digital Gap: Cyprus’s Tech Sector as a Catalyst for Change Gerasimos Ntouskas of KPMG led a discussion on the tech sector's role in advancing Cyprus’s digital infrastructure. Panelists Nicodemos Damianou, Sergey Kostevich, and Andreas Neocleous discussed collaborations between tech leaders and the government to enhance digital capabilities across sectors.

  6. Social Impact of Tech This segment featured a presentation by Artemis Pnevmatikou on how tech entrepreneurs are driving social change. A keynote by Alexander Kulikov of JetBrains, followed by a fireside chat with Natalia Kitaeva, showcased JetBrains' educational initiatives in Cyprus.

  7. Mind the Gap: C-suite Perspectives for Talent Retention The final panel, moderated by Cleo Papadopoulou of PwC Cyprus, brought together C-suite executives Ugne Buraciene, Aleksandra Sulimko, and Marianna Hadjiantoniou to discuss strategies for retaining top tech talent by addressing organizational and workforce gaps.

Sustaining the Momentum

With insightful discussions and actionable ideas shared by industry leaders, the summit set a clear path for enhancing Cyprus’s competitive edge in the global tech landscape. Tanya Romanyukha concluded the event with final remarks, reinforcing TechIsland's commitment to fostering innovation and growth in Cyprus.
