Cyprus Shipping Advisory Committee Election Results

Cyprus Shipping Advisory Committee Election Results

The Deputy Minister of Shipping Announced Those Elected as Members of the Advisory Committee for Enhancing the Competitiveness and Quality of the Cyprus Flag.

The Deputy Minister of Shipping, Marina Hadjimanolis, announced the names of those elected as members of the Advisory Committee for Enhancing the Competitiveness and Quality of the Cyprus Flag, as well as the elected members of the Advisory Committee for Enhancing the Competitiveness of the Cyprus Shipping Cluster.

According to a statement by the Deputy Minister, the large number of participants in the recent elections demonstrates the importance of these Committees to Cyprus' maritime community.

"It is truly an honor to have such distinguished individuals providing advice and suggestions to the Deputy Minister of Shipping. Your wealth of knowledge and experience will undoubtedly contribute to the growth and excellence of Cyprus's maritime sector," the Deputy Minister stated.

For the Advisory Committee on Enhancing the Competitiveness and Quality of the Cyprus Flag, the elected members are John Coustas, Andreas Hatzigiannis, Polys Hatzioannou, Thanasis Martinos, George Mouskas, Nicole Mylonas, George Prokopiou, and Heinrich Schoeller. The alternate members are Themis Papadopoulos and Philippos Filis.

For the Advisory Committee on Enhancing the Competitiveness of the Cyprus Shipping Cluster, the elected members are Julia Anastasiou, Loukas Barbadis, John Hatziparaschos, Andreas Hatzipetrou, Jha Kumar Prabhat, Andreas Neophytou, Chrysostomos Papavasileiou, and Dieter Rohdenburg.

Andreas Solomonides and Michael Bradshaw are the alternates for this Committee.
