Battling Disinformation in Cyprus and Beyond

Battling Disinformation in Cyprus and Beyond

In the latest episode of Future Talks, listeners were treated to an insightful conversation with Michael Sirivianos, Dean of the School of Engineering and Technology at the Cyprus University of Technology and Associate Professor of Computer Engineering and Informatics. Sirivianos is also a pivotal figure in the battle against disinformation, leading the charge with Fact Check Cyprus, a newly minted center at the university dedicated to debunking falsehoods that cloud public perception and discourse.

How it All Started

Founded in 2020 by a group of volunteers amid the global turmoil brought on by the pandemic, Fact Check Cyprus has evolved into a bastion of truth. The center's team, composed of sociologists, researchers, and data scientists, meticulously analyzes social media platforms, targeting viral hashtags rife with disinformation.

The founding team, Loukia Taxitari, Andreas Andreou, Iacovos Mylonas, and Alexander Efstratiou, have been instrumental in developing methodologies to debunk and unravel misinformation, particularly focusing on Greek-speaking news and information.

The relevance of Fact Check Cyprus's work cannot be overstated. According to the Eurobarometer, Cyprus ranks second highest in Europe for the consumption and spread of disinformation. Sirivianos, however, prefers to measure the impact of disinformation on society's outcomes, such as elections, to truly gauge its detrimental effects.

The advent of technology, alongside advanced algorithms for generative AI, has made the dissemination of fake news increasingly sophisticated, making it difficult to distinguish truth from fiction. This calls for critical cultivation of human language and interaction to combat the replication of disinformation through AI.

The center has tackled a wide array of disinformation campaigns, from analyzing racist memes on platforms like 4Chan to studying Russia’s influence in the US elections through socially engineered public opinion. These tactics leverage human emotion, weaponizing information to sway public opinion. This phenomenon underscores the importance of source trustworthiness and the critical need for healthy journalistic practices.

Sirivianos's journey into the fight against disinformation began with his work on Science Hoaxes, a team dedicated to debunking scientific misinformation. Their shared mission with Fact Check Cyprus led to a merger, uniting under the Cyprus University of Technology in 2021. This collaboration stemmed from a shared recognition of the pervasive impact of disinformation on public opinion and policy, notably illustrated by the scepticism surrounding 5G technology in Cyprus.

Fact Check Cyprus is at the forefront of employing generative AI for automating fact-checking, a testament to its innovative approach to battling disinformation. Sirivianos emphasizes the importance of stoic engagement on social media platforms, advocating for respectful discourse and the presentation of evidence-based findings. The center's commitment to freedom of speech is paramount, with a focus on dismantling disinformation while upholding democratic values.

The center's work extends beyond the health sector, addressing disinformation in geopolitics and various contentious issues that are easily manipulated through emotional engagement. Fact Check Cyprus encourages the academic community to remain vigilant against the inadvertent spread of misinformation, promoting a culture of correction and evidence-based discourse.

For those interested in joining the fight against disinformation, Fact Check Cyprus offers both volunteer and paid positions. The organization is keen on collaboration with journalists and the broader community to ensure the dissemination of verified information. As disinformation continues to evolve, the work of Fact Check Cyprus remains crucial in safeguarding the integrity of public discourse.

Visit their website to learn more about Fact Check Cyprus or to get involved in their initiative. At a time when truth is often obscured by the fog of disinformation, such initiatives serve as beacons of clarity, illuminating the path forward with facts and reason.
