Cypriot Creates Promising Neuroscience Startup in France

Cypriot Creates Promising Neuroscience Startup in France

Dr. Antonia Machlouzarides-Shalit's journey from academia to entrepreneurship represents a fascinating blend of passion, innovation, and commitment to enhancing healthcare. With a Master's degree from King's College London under her belt, Antonia embarked on a global quest for knowledge, eventually securing a coveted PhD position in France. 

Her doctoral research focused on developing novel methods for understanding brain anatomy through imaging, driven by a desire to make a tangible impact on patients' lives. This desire led her back to Cyprus, where she found herself at a professional crossroads, seeking opportunities that could harness her expertise in computational neuroscience.

The Genesis of NeuroPin

During this period of job searching, Antonia engaged with professionals in the clinical field of neuroscience, uncovering a critical gap between cutting-edge research techniques and their application in clinical settings. Her conversations with neurosurgeons, radiologists, and neurologists highlighted the need for advancements in radiology, specifically applications that could bridge the divide between research and clinical practice. 

This revelation was the genesis of NeuroPin, a startup aimed at transforming radiological practices with innovative software.

NeuroPin, now two years into its journey, is a testament to Antonia's vision. With a dedicated team of four, the startup is developing software that aids radiologists in understanding the brain through imaging. This venture is not without its challenges, notably in the standardization of imaging data. Different MRI machines produce varying image qualities, which can significantly impact patient follow-up and the monitoring of neurological disorders over time. 

Here, Antonia sees artificial intelligence as a crucial ally, enabling the standardization of non-standardized images and facilitating dynamic examination methods through extensive data analysis.

Navigating the MedTech Landscape

The path of MedTech innovation is fraught with obstacles, from acquiring the right data to navigating the complex regulatory landscape. NeuroPin's approach, which emphasizes clinical representativeness, requires a robust dataset that mirrors the diversity of people affected by neurological disorders. Partnering with hospitals to access existing clinical data is a strategic move, allowing NeuroPin to train its models effectively. 

The ultimate goal is to predict neurological disorders, a complex endeavor that Antonia plans to tackle with both retrospective and prospective data.

Building a prototype and gathering user feedback is the current focus, laying the groundwork for a targeted MVP that can undergo clinical trials. This process is crucial not only for demonstrating the software's efficacy but also for complying with new EU regulations on ethical AI. Deciding on a specific disease to address is another significant challenge, given the multitude of conditions that NeuroPin aims to tackle.

Vision for Cyprus and Beyond

Antonia's journey also underscores the importance of the startup ecosystem in Sophia Antipolis, Europe's first science and technology hub. The vibrant community and support from institutions like the Inria startup studio have been invaluable. 

Following the Inria start-up studio, as Grand Prize winners of the i-PhD competition in 2023 and the Bourse French Tech Lab grant in 2024 organized by Bpifrance and France 2030, they received a national boost to launch the company. Yet, Antonia's vision extends beyond France; she aims to forge strong links between her venture and Cyprus, her home country, hoping to impact both the European entrepreneurial landscape and healthcare in Cyprus.

For aspiring entrepreneurs, Antonia offers sage advice: seize every opportunity. In today's unpredictable world, agility and adaptability are key. Her journey from academia to the forefront of medical technology innovation exemplifies the power of persistence, vision, and the relentless pursuit of making a difference in the world.

Watch the interview with Antonia to find out more about her journey, available on YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Spotify, and DigitalTV.
