Investigation Exposes Lobbying Behind UK Calls for Direct Flights and Trade with Occupied Cyprus

Investigation Exposes Lobbying Behind UK Calls for Direct Flights and Trade with Occupied Cyprus

British MPs Under Scrutiny for Sponsored Trips and Parliamentary Questions on Occupied Cyprus

A recent investigation uncovered that several British politicians raised parliamentary questions about the occupied part of Cyprus following sponsored trips organized by the lobbying group, Freedom and Fairness for Northern Cyprus. These trips, funded by sponsors like Cyprus Premier Holidays, Turkish Airlines, and the Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce, prompted calls for direct flights between the UK and 'northern' Cyprus.

However, only one politician registered their interest in line with parliamentary rules when asking such questions.

The trips coincided with a visit to the UK by Turkish Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar, who advocated for lifting the international isolation of the self-proclaimed 'northern Cyprus.' He pushed for direct flights, trade, and the inclusion of Turkish Cypriot athletes in global sporting events. These calls were echoed by several MPs who visited the north as part of fact-finding delegations organized by the lobbying group.

The investigation, conducted by OCCRP, with contributions from the Cyprus Investigative Reporting Network (CIReN), raised concerns about potential breaches of lobbying regulations. British MPs are prohibited from promoting proceedings that could financially benefit foreign entities sponsoring their visits. MP Ian Blackford, a member of the Committee on Standards in Public Life, has called for an inquiry into the matter. Additionally, some MPs failed to declare their interests properly when raising parliamentary questions, triggering further scrutiny.

Sponsors of these trips hold substantial business interests in the north, including plans to develop the fenced-off Varosha area into a tourist destination. This has drawn controversy due to the area’s status under UN resolutions. The lobbying efforts appear to have effectively placed 'northern' Cyprus on the UK political agenda, with an increase in related parliamentary questions.

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