Under The Slogan "Freedom For All"

Under The Slogan "Freedom For All"

The 10th Pride March Of Cyprus Pride 2024 Was Organised By Accept LGBTI Cyprus On Saturday 1 June At The Nicosia Municipal Garden

4,000 people marched for access of the LGBTQI+ community to equal and respect for uniqueness of each human being, aiming to transform society.

At the official opening ceremony of the march, the Deputy Minister of State for the Presidency, Ms. Irene Piki, expressed the Government's support for the urgent need for inclusion and stressed that the Government has included in its actions the design of a holistic framework for a national strategy on LGBTQΙ+ issues by the end of the year. The Ombudsperson Maria Lottidou and the Director of Operations of Cyta, the premier partner of Cyprus Pride 2024 Nikos Stylianou also addressed the event, while, in an emotional atmosphere, spoke the representative of the Trans group Eleni Costis and the representative of the Rainbow  Families Anna Michaelidou, the representative of LGBT Africa Diamond, the representative of Queer Cyprus Dervish Taskiranlar, the Secretary and Head of the Organisation Stephanos Stavros Evangelides as well as the President of Accept Cyprus Nicolas Tryphon, who in his speech stated that human rights are not "a la carte" and that we all have an obligation to transform our island of Cyprus.

On behalf of the political parties attended the General Secretary of AKEL Stefanos Stefanou with members of the general secretariat and MPs, the leadership team of Bolt with their MP, on behalf of DEPA, the Head of Human Rights and Gender Equality Anna Kyprianou, the Deputy Mayor of Nicosia, Christos Joseph, Maria Kola on behalf of the Cyprus Youth Council, as well as several candidates in the upcoming elections.

The event started with activities for children and after the end of the march, a party was held with the well-known actress Mariella Savvidou as host and the participation of, among others, Sylia Kapsis, Iason Mantilas and TAMTA.

The Cyprus Pride 2024 march is supported by Cyta, Lidl, Cyprus Youth Organisation, Deloitte, PwC, Bottega Amaro Group, KPMG, European Commission, Ernst & Young, Grant Thorntons, American Medical Center, Tymvios Labs, as well as a number of NGOs, including Queer Cyprus Association, LGBT Africa, LGBT Pilippinas, AIDS Solidarity Movement, AKTI, Cyprus Family Planning, Cyprus Refugee Council, Reset, Cyprus Social Innovation, Friends of Earth, Generation for Change, KISA, among others.
