Uniting Communities Through Futsal In Cyprus

Uniting Communities Through Futsal In Cyprus

Celebrating Diversity And Sporting Excellence: The 3rd Intercultural Futsal Tournament In Nicosia

The 3rd Intercultural Futsal Tournament was organized by Generation for Change CY (GFC) last Saturday, June 29, marking the 8th consecutive sports event in the past three years. A statement from the organization noted that the tournament, held at the Central Park football fields of the English School, included 16 teams and 150 athletes and participants, all free of charge.

The event celebrated sporting excellence, interculturalism, social inclusion and interaction, as well as unity among people from different cultural and racial backgrounds. Futsal, a beloved sport worldwide, served as an ideal medium for creating intercultural relationships and overcoming any social or economic barriers.

Throughout the day, unity and mutual respect prevailed among players and spectators, who enjoyed this football day under the themes "Futsal4Unity" and "ScoreAgainstRacism." Generation for Change extends its gratitude to all athletes, participants, and supporters.
