Inside Look: Organizers of This Year's Youth Tech Fest Reveal What to Expect

Inside Look: Organizers of This Year's Youth Tech Fest Reveal What to Expect

Sean Alimov, Founder of Youth Tech Fest, and Natassa Frederickou, President of Frederick University Council, Speak to FastForward About Cultivating Young Talents and Encouraging Innovation

Co-organized by Exec Club Cyprus and the Frederick University, the 2nd Youth Tech Fest Cyprus is set to unfold on April 20 at the Frederick University in Limassol. This year's event promises an enriching blend of technology, innovation, and creativity.

From 09:00 to 16:30, children and young people will dive into a world of interactive workshops and competitions, exploring diverse fields like Robotics, Gaming, and XR/VR, under the guidance of esteemed academics and professionals. With an array of activities and an Open Competition for student projects, the Youth Tech Fest 2024 is a hub for young minds to showcase their talents and learn. The event also features the Youth Tech Summit, a conference for knowledge exchange in educational technology. Digital Tree is the communication sponsor of the Youth Tech Fest 2024.

FastForward spoke with this year's organizers, Sean Alimov, founder of Youth Tech Fest, and Natassa Frederickou, President of Frederick University Council, to offer an exclusive glimpse into this exciting event.

Sean, when and how was the idea for the Youth Tech Festival born?

The idea was born about a year and a half ago when my daughter came home feeling really happy and excited after experiencing STEAM - science, technology, engineering, art and math - activities at the Space Center in her school. She was eager to learn more about things like 3D printing, robotics, and AI - terms I had never expected to hear from her. This is when I decided to conduct research on what schools in Cyprus and Europe are doing to encourage children to gain skills and competencies that foster creativity, curiosity, and self-learning, and how it compares to countries like the USA, Israel, India, and other states in Asia that excel in nurturing and retaining talent.

Could you share some memorable moments from the history of the Youth Tech Festival? How did they affect the festival’s future?

There are so many. It was heartwarming to see the smiles, expressions of amazement, and awe on children’s faces. Witnessing how parents and children engaged as a family in various activities, and the proud faces of mums, dads, and grandparents watching their children receive acknowledgment and awards was just great.

The most significant aspect for me was seeing people from different backgrounds, races, and socioeconomic statuses connect over their shared love for quality education

As an expat, the most significant aspect for me was seeing people from different backgrounds, races, and socioeconomic statuses connect over their shared love for quality education and a bright future for their children. Last but not least, it was important to give due respect and recognition to the amazing teachers. Moving forward, we will maintain this momentum and make the Festival even more diverse and inclusive.

How does this festival motivate young participants and how does it encourage innovation and creativity? Could you share any particular examples that stand out to you?

It's about the peer-to-peer learning aspect. We, as parents and educators, can influence our children's holistic development to a certain degree. When children see their peers engaging in and excelling at different fields, it encourages curiosity and participation. This was evident throughout the festival, whether it be in woodworking, robotics, game creation, scientific experiments, environmental awareness, or even breakdancing.

What special activities are planned for this year’s Youth Tech Festival? What are your aspirations for the future, and what is the role you expect it to play in the discovery and development of young talents?

We have amazing partners who do an incredible job providing engaging, fun, and educational activities for children from 4 to 18 years old. Gaming, Robotics, XR/VR, Fun Science, Art, ECO, and Innovation zones, a Cubing tournament, and workshops in dancing and capoeira will once again ignite curiosity and passion.

We strive to create an engaging relationship between businesses and academia

Our aspirations are twofold. On one hand, we aim to educate teachers and parents on best practices leading to increased confidence and self-awareness in children, enhanced physical and mental health, improved communication, and better socio-emotional and critical thinking skills. On the other hand, we strive to create an engaging relationship between businesses and academia, which is necessary to ensure the future economic success of our children and country.

Natassa, what motivated you to get involved with the Youth Tech Festival, and why is it relevant in an ever-evolving technological landscape?

Our decision at Frederick University to co-organize the Youth Tech Festival stems from our shared passion for providing learning opportunities to young people. In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, it's imperative that we equip our youth with the necessary skills and competencies to thrive in the future. The Youth Tech Festival serves as a platform to inspire and engage young minds in ESTEAM - Entrepreneurship, Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math - activities, fostering their curiosity, creativity, and innovation.

Our motivation for involvement in this festival is rooted in our commitment to education and our belief in the transformative power of technology, innovation, and creativity. By collaborating with like-minded organizations and stakeholders, we aim to create an inclusive and dynamic environment where children and adolescents can explore, learn, and grow. In an era where technology increasingly shapes every aspect of our lives, cultivating a generation of problem solvers, critical thinkers, and lifelong learners is essential. The Youth Tech Festival not only introduces young people to cutting-edge technologies but also instills in them the confidence and skills to navigate and contribute to the ever-evolving technological landscape.

By investing in initiatives like the Youth Tech Festival, we are investing in the future of our youth and the prosperity of our society as a whole. We are excited to be part of this endeavor and look forward to the positive impact it will have on the next generation of changemakers.

Can you talk to us about Frederick University’s campaign to encourage more gender diversity in the pursuit of studies in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics? How does the Youth Tech Festival fall under this initiative?

At Frederick University, we have a strong commitment to addressing the under-representation of women in STEM. We recognize the crucial importance of encouraging women's participation in the fields of STEM, especially considering the green and digital transitions that could exacerbate gender inequalities if unaddressed. Our ongoing campaign, “To All Women and Girls: Join the Journey in Engineering and Technology,” launched in 2021, reflects our dedication to combating this under-representation and attracting more women to STEM fields.

We aim to create a supportive and inclusive environment through a variety of strategic interventions that empower women and girls to pursue STEM education and careers

Understanding the complex nature of this challenge, our initiative involves diverse groups, including university students, young girls, parents, educators, organizations, and the public. We aim to create a supportive and inclusive environment through a variety of strategic interventions that empower women and girls to pursue STEM education and careers.

Our efforts include: a) Offering a 50% scholarship to all women enrolling in our School of Engineering, providing financial support and incentives for women to pursue STEM education, b) Organizing free STEM activities, such as STEM Days and Camps specifically for girls aged 9–16, led by female role models to spark their interest and confidence in STEM subjects from a young age, c) Hosting free workshops for parents and educators, highlighting the importance of increased female representation in STEM, enhancing girls' self-confidence, and promoting a stereotype-free upbringing, d) Raising awareness within STEM industries about the vital need for gender diversity and advocating for inclusive practices and policies that support women in STEM careers, e) Providing mentorship opportunities for women in the School of Engineering, offering guidance and support throughout their academic and professional journeys.

During the upcoming Youth Tech Festival, we are excited to offer schoolgirls aged 14-19 the chance to participate in a "Girls Go Circular" workshop. This educational program, organized by Junior Achievement Cyprus and Frederick University, focuses on developing digital skills and exploring the circular economy. By addressing the underrepresentation of girls in the digital and green sectors in Europe, this workshop aligns seamlessly with our broader initiative to combat girls' under-representation in STEM.

With the increasing importance of interdisciplinary skills in the tech industry, how is the Youth Tech Festival integrating subjects like art and design into its STEM-focused agenda to promote a more holistic approach to innovation among participants?

The Youth Tech Festival recognizes the growing importance of interdisciplinary skills in the tech industry and the need for a holistic approach to innovation. To effectively address the complex challenges of the future, it's essential to equip young people with the ability to work across disciplines and integrate diverse perspectives.

To promote this holistic approach to innovation, the festival intentionally integrates subjects like art and design into its STEM-focused agenda. By offering a diverse range of activities spanning gaming, robotics, XR/VR, fun science, art, eco-awareness, and innovation zones, and hosting a cubing tournament and dance workshops, the festival encourages participants to explore various disciplines and discover intersections between them.

Art and design play crucial roles in fostering creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking—skills that are indispensable in the tech industry. Incorporating art and design elements into STEM activities, the festival encourages participants to think creatively, express themselves artistically, and approach challenges from multiple perspectives.

Through hands-on experiences and interactive showcases, participants will have the opportunity to see firsthand how diverse disciplines converge to drive innovation forward

Additionally, the University will offer workshops developed by its Robotics Academy and showcase the single-seater Formula-type racing car developed by students of the Frederick University Formula Racing Team. These workshops and demonstrations further emphasize the interdisciplinary nature of the festival, highlighting the integration of engineering, technology, and design principles. Through hands-on experiences and interactive showcases, participants will have the opportunity to see firsthand how diverse disciplines converge to drive innovation forward.

In essence, the Youth Tech Festival embraces interdisciplinarity as a fundamental principle, recognizing that the future of innovation lies at the intersection of diverse fields. By weaving subjects like art and design into its STEM-focused agenda, the festival empowers participants to become versatile, well-rounded innovators capable of tackling the multifaceted challenges of the future.

How do you envision the collaboration between Frederick University and the Youth Tech Festival evolving in the future, and what impact do you hope this partnership will have on both the students and the broader community?

The collaboration between Frederick University and the Youth Tech Festival holds immense potential for future evolution, driven by a shared commitment to fostering innovation, interdisciplinary learning, and community engagement. Looking ahead, we envision this partnership deepening and expanding in several key ways, ultimately making a profound impact on both students and the broader community.

This partnership will contribute to the development of a more dynamic and inclusive STEM ecosystem in Cyprus and beyond

In the future, in light of the green and digital transition, we envision a more diverse festival program that integrates STEM with art, design, environmental awareness, and the circular economy. We anticipate this collaboration will facilitate increased engagement with industry partners and stakeholders, thereby strengthening the bridge between academic learning and real-world applications.

By inspiring a new generation of innovators, fostering interdisciplinary learning, and promoting collaboration across sectors, this partnership will contribute to the development of a more dynamic and inclusive STEM ecosystem in Cyprus and beyond, ultimately driving positive change and prosperity for all.

What: Youth Tech Fest

When: 20 April, 2024

Where: Frederick University, Limassol

More Info:
