Training Program for Hotel Workers Launched by Cyprus Labor Ministry

Training Program for Hotel Workers Launched by Cyprus Labor Ministry

Initiative Aims to Improve Professional Skills in Hospitality Amid Seasonal Closures

The Ministry of Labor and Social Insurance is implementing a training program for employees in hotel units experiencing full or partial suspension of operations.

The Ministry's announcement states that the plan targets hotel units in total or partial suspension during December 2023 – March 2024 and January 2024 – May 2024 (specifically for Mountain Resort Hotels).

It is also noted that the plan will be implemented for two periods, namely December 2023 – March 2024 and January 2024 – May 2024 (for Mountain Resort Hotels).

According to the approved plan by the Council of Ministers, if hotel units choose to continue operations during the period they traditionally suspended operations in previous years, then the unemployment benefits usually provided to the employees will be granted to the hotel unit as a training allowance. In turn, the hotel unit will pay the full salary to the employee.

"The purpose of the scheme is to provide training opportunities to the employees of these hotel units, with the ultimate goal of improving their professional skills and, consequently, upgrading Cyprus's tourism product," the statement highlights.

The Social Insurance Services of the Ministry of Labor and Social Insurance are responsible for managing the scheme, it is added.
