Constanti Constantinos Reelected as President of ETEK

Constanti Constantinos Reelected as President of ETEK

New General and Disciplinary Council, and Executive Committee Elected at the Chamber

Following the electoral process that took place on Saturday in the provinces of Nicosia, Limassol, Larnaca, and Paphos, the Chief Electoral Officer announced the election results for the thirty members of the General Council and the four elected members of the Disciplinary Council.

In the General Council (tenure 2023-2026), the following individuals have been elected according to their engineering specialties and in alphabetical order:

Architecture including landscape architecture: Constanti Constantinos, Dikeos Alkis, Christodoulou Eleni, Georgiadou Karin, Papallas Andreas, Papadopoulos Alexis.

Civil engineering including environmental engineering: Stylianou Platonas, Theodotou Andreas, Loizidi-Papanastasiou Myria, Tsoullofta-Kakouta Evaggelitsa, Poumbouris Yiannos, Christofi Dimitris, Ahniotis Stelios.

Mechanical engineering: Vasileiou Elisavet (Eliza), Papastavrou Xenios, Zavros Sokratis, Georgiou Glaukos, Karakannas Panagiotis.

Electrical engineering: Mita Thomas, Marouhos Chrysanthos, Papachristoforou Evripidis, Demosthenous Dimos.

Electronic engineering including computer engineering: Zapis Ioannis, Sokratous Sokratis, Kyprianou Andreas (Rikkos).

Chemical engineering: Kyprianidou-Leontidou Tasoula.

Mining engineering and applied geology: Konstantinidou Emorfia.

Agronomic and topographical engineering: Mamas Nikolaos

Land surveying and valuation: Talattinis Kyriakos

Urban planning and regional planning: Nikolaou Lora.

For the Disciplinary Council, in alphabetical order, the elected members are: Galazi-Iakovou Anna, Lambrus Varnavas, Sfikas Andreas (Andis), Nearchou Sotiris.

An Overview of ETEK's Administrative Committee Election for 2023-2026

Based on the Law and the Election Regulations of the Scientific and Technical Chamber of Cyprus (ETEK), the thirty-member General Council, which emerged from the elections of Saturday, November 4, 2023, convened on November 6, 2023, to elect the ETEK officials and the four additional members of the Executive Committee as follows:

Konstantinos Konstanti, an architect, was re-elected as the President of ETEK without opposition.

Platonas Stylianou, a civil engineer, was elected unopposed as the First Vice-President.

Eliza Vasileiou, a mechanical engineer, was reelected unopposed as the Second Vice-President.

Andreas Theodotou, a civil engineer, was elected unopposed as the General Secretary.

Elena Christodoulou, an architect, was elected unopposed as the General Treasurer.

It is noted, according to the Election Regulations, that representation from the four most populous engineering branches is required on the Executive Committee. Given that the electrical engineering branch was not represented among the elected officials, an election for an electrical engineer as a member of the Executive Committee was consequently carried out. Thomas Mita was elected to this position without opposition.

Subsequent elections were held to fill the remaining three members of the Executive Committee (EC). After an electoral process, Xenios Papastavrou, Sokratis Sokratous, and Evagelitsa Tsoulofta were elected as EC members.

As a result of the above, the new Executive Committee of ETEK for the term 2023–2026 comprises the following individuals:

President: Konstantinos Konstanti (Architect)

First Vice-President: Platonas Stylianou (Civil Engineer)

Second Vice-President: Eliza Vasileiou (Mechanical Engineer)

General Secretary: Andreas Theodotou (Civil Engineer)

General Treasurer: Elena Christodoulou (Architect)

Members: Thomas Mita (Electrical Engineer), Sokratis Sokratous (Electronics Engineer/ Computer Engineer), Xenios Papastavrou (Mechanical Engineer), Evagelitsa Tsoulofta (Civil Engineer).
