5th Cyprus Forum: A Platform for Policy Discussion

5th Cyprus Forum: A Platform for Policy Discussion

Oxygen for Democracy, in cooperation with the Delphi Economic Forum and the University of Cyprus, is organizing the 5th Cyprus Forum, which will take place on October 3rd and 4th in Nicosia. The forum promises two days of policy-related discussions under the auspices of the Presidency of the Republic. The discussions will be hosted at the old Nicosia Town Hall and the Ledra Palace Hotel. 

This year, the discussions will focus on critical issues concerning Cyprus and the wider region, such as the Rule of Law, Institutions, and Peace—topics that fall under Goal 16 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for citizens up to 2030. Other topics to be discussed relate to Foreign Policy, Economy, Sustainability, and Technology and Innovation.

It is worth noting that bicommunal discussions will continue at this year's forum, with increased participation from Turkish Cypriot speakers as well as personalities from Greece and Turkey. The bicommunal discussions will focus on practical issues, such as the economic relations between the two communities and the future of negotiations. The organisers aim to maintain an open dialogue between the two communities to exchange views and concerns regarding both their cooperation and the geopolitical developments in the Greece-Cyprus-Turkey triangle.

The forum will feature over 200 speakers, including political officials, technocrats, and academics, as well as representatives from organisations, research centers, and the civil society. More than 70 foreign speakers will also participate, aiming to share solutions and good practices from other countries and international organisations.

The scientific oversight of this year's forum content is provided by leading organisations, such as the European Policy Centre, Transparency International, the Atlantic Council, and the World Bank.

For more information on registration and the detailed agenda, visit the official website: https://2024.cyprusforum.cy/
